Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Inner Nature (random thought)

Every experience you partake in will alter, diminish or better your character. My Philosophy which runs parallel to that of the French Philosopher, Descartes, is what you see, smell, hear, touch and taste will evolve or devolve your emotions and mindset towards your life which in turn, will create the person you are. The idea that you are born an animate object, nothing more and nothing less, a blank page waiting to be written if you like, no preprogrammed traits or set tastes, everything up to the food you detest to how well you do at school is all up to what you experience up to the point of partaking in a new experience. You look at children and they will symmetrically resemble their parents not only in the physical sense but the intellectual and personal. This is of no coincidence, people from their own experience in life tend to have quite righteous views on how the life of man should be written, if looked from an outside view it may seem selfish and irresponsible on the parents part but if you know only what you know from your own experiences, then who should they resemble? This reflective upbringing is evident in large social structures and society depends on these 'unwritten pages', putting it crudely, society is funded by the working and middle class, the rich are there to stain the minds of man slightly green, that of envy which cruelly drives the under man to increase productivity and output at the expense of our inner nature. How does it make sense that one man could be worth so much where another hasn't sufficient to eat and for this society to be so lost in itself, it praises and worships such an act of greed?

I have mentioned inner nature in a sense that could seem contradicting to the previous, but this it's quite the opposite. Nature and her process are a beautiful pattern of perfection, everything created on her bosom has a reason for been so. The flowers have aromas not for our selfish pleasure but to attract the bee's for cross pollination, the bee's are their size because of the populace they live within is more efficient to collect the nectar of the flower, the flower has significant colours to once again attract the bee's and so on and so on, this comparison is no different to man, there is nothing on or in our bodies without reason, hair, nails, lungs are all their shape, size and colour for perfect efficiency to run in unison with the rest of our body. If nature has created our bodies perfectly then you must assume it has created our mind with equal precision, so why then does the human whole create such imperfection? Where did it enter our mindset to create devastation to our Mother Nature for what seems like the love of things she never created?

This idea of inner nature is to work in accordance with the pattern of nature, to think we are separate from this and obnoxiously superior is and will be our demise. If something is perfect, what arrogance would one must process to think they can improve upon it. If you really read and see religion under the preconceived face value, you will find this idea of connecting with the inner nature quite visible, the only limit to this are the words that have been used to describe such an indescribable thought. A few words that do come to mind is Nirvana, the philosophy of Buddhism, Tao, in the Chinese philosophy of Daoism, Heaven, that of Christianity, it doesn't matter, the words are irrelevant. The Ancient Daoist philosopher Lao Tzu wrote "The Tao that can be described is not the true Tao". They all use the term enlightenment, to be enlightened is to come back to how we were when we first entered the world straight from our Mothers womb, when our eyes had yet to be opened and our ears knew no words, this is when we were all enlightened. All these religions have differing face value because they were all recorded on different sides of the earth at different times by different people but despite this it all comes back to the same ideals, connecting with your inner nature, it is of no coincidence that at 600 years apart on the complete opposite sides of the Earth the poor hermit, Chaung Tzu was writing the same principle as Marcus Aurelius, Emperor of Rome in his private meditations.

Our minds have been slightly tainted by the workings of society with our pathetic desires for titles, money, power and all such similar trivial things, pride plays such a large part of your lives. Our petty need for people to have pride in what we do from our parents to people we dislike is what drives us further and further away from nature, we do actually have a word for what causes unhappiness and such discontent in our lives, it's ego. We are so lost that we are worshiping people because of what they have. What good has pride ever done? Pride creates envy, envy creates greed, greed creates hate and hate creates self destruction, most of us were probably wisest at birth when our eyes were still sealed and hadn't yet learnt the tongue of Man. Lets take the example of an infant in the womb, the infants brain would be developing physically but has nothing to stimulate it mentally, when it comes out it has an entire world to comprehend and in turn this will be the start of development towards its personality and character. So what if we put this child straight from the womb into a large white walled room containing nothing but its colourless walls? If my theory is true, this child will physically grow but will not differ in any other aspect then if it was still in the womb. The mind in such an environment has nothing to familiarise itself with so the child will not change. Now what if we add a dog to the room? This is when inner nature or instinct comes in, we are not pre-programmed to think or be like anything but our inner nature allows us to familiarise ourselves with our surrounding and thus grow upon it. This dog that has now entered the child's life will start to stimulate the child's eager brain and will symmetrically resemble its personality and actions just the same as if it were human, if we added a second dog, it would also imitate its personality combined with the first dogs personality and start to form it's own unique one from what it's learnt from the two. This is how no human is completely identical to each other, now imagine if the child were to meet hundreds and hundreds of new dogs each day in completely new environments at different times, you would get an ever changing unique personality, this is why I believe no matter who you meet or what you do you can gain or lose something from it, that is what character is, how you choose to act upon an experience, whether or not you gain something from it is in your discretion.

If this is true and our inner nature has us resemble and copy our environment from our experiences, how do we know that this sub-conscious symmetry can differentiate what is real or what is right and wrong or natural and industrial? When we watch television and see people hurting and taunting or any such behaviour, can we be safe to assume that our inner nature will not recall this as an experience and thus form it in our character. There is no question that we evolve to our environment physically, Asians all have black hair for a reason as Nigerians have black skin, it's true with our personality too. A teacher once told me "There is a truth behind most stereotypes", it's obvious when you enter a new Country inner traits of people change in accordance with their surroundings, British, reserved and proper when the Italians are more easily excitable and exuberant, its as if they match there physical landscape and weather. How could these people not mimic what they see if it's all they know? Take an Orange, this is the sun in the form of a fruit or a potato, the Earth in a vegetable, when you taste these foods you are tasting the worlds inner nature.

This whole theory answers no questions but raises an even more internal complicated one. If we only know what we experience, then what is right and what is wrong??

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